Sricam SP012 P2P HD IP Camera Review - Gadget Victims

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Sricam SP012 P2P HD IP Camera Review

The Sricam SP012 adds the Pan and Tilt function to the SP009 reviewed earlier.

Many Sricam users reported that they can only get HD from the Sricam mobile app while they only get 640x360 through RTSP channel, and my tests gave different result
Therefore, it seems that the samples I reviewed do not correspond to production currently sold, despite showing the same model, firmware and hardware versions.
Unless you're only planning to use these IP cameras as Cloud devices, (i.e. with the Sricam mobile app only) I advise against buying these products.

The Sricam SP012 brings back memories with its casing introduced in 2008 by Foscam for their famous FI8908W and widely used since.

The camera setup through the Sricam mobile app is fool and fail proof. Additional instructions can be obtained from Sricam website. Other ways to access the camera are grouped on this page:  (Nov.2016, no longer true, most links are dead now)

The Sricam app is the main user interface for the camera since it has no web server. The services available are UPnP/5000 and RTSP/554 only. Onvif compliant viewers can detect the SP012 on the port 5000.

Other software, like VLC, can use the RTSP stream:
rtsp://ipcam:554/onvif1 for HD (1280 x 738)
Note: Several users reported being unable to get the HD stream through RTSP. I'm puzzled as to why their camera gives different results than my sample, which streams in HD (bitrate up to 1200kbps) using fw v. 2.1.

rtsp://ipcam:554/onvif2 for low resolution (320 x 194)

ONVIF support: Like the SP009, the SP012 is ONVIF compliant.

Synology's Surveillance Station 7.2 users will be limited to catch the video stream only through RTSP (no audio). The blame is on Synology here.

All other viewers tested where able to detect and use the device as an Onvif camera (HappyTime Onvif ClientOnviferIP Cam Viewer)

Happycam Onvif Client

RTSP setup in IP Cam Viewer. with low res /onvif2
(HD stream /onvif1 does not work well)

ONVIF Setup in IP Cam Viewer

Onvif and RTSP streams from IP Cam Viewer
No IR-Cut means pinkish foliage in broad daylight...

Picture quality:
The GM8135S chipset (cheaper Hi3518 equivalent) is in charge of the picture quality and assisted with IR LED for the night vision.

Both the lack of IR-Cut feature, and the absence of IR LED manual control makes the camera a bad candidate for watching your driveway or garden by the window.

Two-way audio quality is adequate but I was expecting a stronger speaker in this larger model. In fact it compares with the SP009. There is no audio connector for an external speaker.


The Sricam SP012 is (at time of writing) the cheapest IP Camera with Pan & Tilt at Gearbest (26€/30$). Despite that, it does the job as advertised as an indoor camera.
For those valuing the size over the P&T feature, the tiny SP009A/B (IR-cut version) is a better option.

● Sricam provides a complete documentation.
● Easy to setup.
● Up to 128GB microSD card supported.
● HD stream available through RTSP (see warning above)
 ONVIF compliant

Not so nice:
● No LED mode control (Not suitable for use behind a window),
● No IR-Cut
● No web interface

Click for more IP Cameras @ Gearbest
Thanks to David @ GearBest for providing the sample reviewed here.


Unknown said...

A pretty ordinary camera,it seems, in a format where there is huge choice at low prices.
But I was quite taken by the Happytimesoft ONVIF client - that shows some polish, I think I might start using it. It appears to work well. Many thanks for that.

PLM said...

How to view if you have more than one camera? Is there a way to change ports?

Do you know what is the actual default username?

Thanks in advance

Bubbah said...

The Sricam app can be configured for several IP cameras, I don't know how many exactly, but at least 4.
The ports are fixed: rtsp/445 and upnp/5000
In terms of username, you have a unique camera ID with a password (default 888888) and a pre-set "management" and "visitor" for which a password can be defined.

Bubbah said...

The resolution I get with SP012 using rtsp://ipcam-addr:554/onvif1 in VLC is 1280x738 (Use Ctrl+J to see the Codec information).

Bubbah said...

The only resolution I cannot get actually outside the Sricam app is "SD" 640. VLC does get 1280 x 738 with /onvif1 and very-low-and-useless 320 x 194 with /onvif2. I join a new screenshot from VLC showing the codec info at the end of the review.

alexvas said...

I think VLC does not properly shows resolution. The camera starts to send 720p video for just 1 second and then switches to 368p.

alexvas said...

tinyCam Monitor for Android also supports this camera (rtsp/h264, 1-w audio). However there is no pan-tilt support since the camera only allows to pan-tilt via P2P protocol.

Bubbah said...

I will double-check and get back to you shortly.

Bubbah said...

I've tested the camera again with several clients. Happycam (screenshot above updated with the resolution) shows H264 1280x720. Files recorded from Synology SS7.2.2 are in HD too, same for <a href=">IP Camera viewer</a>. Tested with both rtsp /onvif1 url and onvif on port 5000.
Both SP009 and SP012 stream in HD (bitrate up to 1200kbps) using fw v. 2.1

Unknown said...

I have sricam sp012. Camera works fine when I got it. But in few day later, I decide to use motion detection and defence turn on (defence was supposed to spelled as Defense but that's how Chinese programmer spell out. ) Camera crashed on me. I had to do factory reset then finally restore settings and did use motion detection again. Camera crashed. I redo factory reset. It seem that it havent changed since $200 X10's Airsight HD camera that crashes all the time that I used to have it 6 years ago and couldn't get it refunded. I can pin blame on firmware issue. Motion sensitivity isn't the issue.. its polling to Email and Alarm flash recording that cause chipset get hot and crashed. I contacted Sricam tech support and they tested my camera and said its fine. I understand trying to prove them its an issue but camera seem to behave good with tech support. I had motion, email alarm set and defence turned on. And it seem working fine. Then I placed camera in dining room, test the camera and it crashed when motion activity was high.

Camera seem to run fine without alarm defence. I can leave it running for week and monitor when I need to. But using motion detection was my biggest issue. I wanted to use it at night. I will take camera apart and look what kind of chipset it uses. I may as well install 5v cooling fan and old motherboard's "southbridge" cooling fins that fits perfectly on camera's chipset. (It still room enough to fit inside.The video can be configured via phone as LD, SD,and HD. I switched to HD and it's 720p. Its pretty sharp enough to be able to read moderate sized print of bag of chip at 15 feet. Camera resolution isn't my concern.

I am trying to find IP PZT camera that can runs without crashing when record and email alarm turns on. I don't want to spend $100 on cameras that craps on me. Im leery about getting another one unless they prove that camera had gone through user abuse test and still operateable regardless. (They should have done with their camera and leave it running without motion detection for 72 hrs then turn on alarm while chipset running wee bit hot. That's when it crashes!). They can't just boot up camera and set up then turn on alarm and say its working then sell it. They missed the point where customer had problems. Maybe I can do youtube then send Sricam tech support to watch. They will be surprised why their camera failed on alarm.

I also may think using WiFi connection to Camera possibilty cause increased heat in chipset or firmware crash when Alarm being used. I will experiment hooking up to Ethernet and turn on alarm (wifi turned off in setting). If it runs well without wifi comnection then I can purchase mini Wireless N bridge so I can place it in any rooms without stringing ethernet wire as workaround with glitchy firmware.

Email setup was a bit struggle. I found out that to receive email alarm is to add recipent email same as main email in setup in order to work. If you use different email then it won't send. I use Gmail 2 way app security with own password and it worked. Rest of other setups are easy.

Unknown said...

Also i get 368p in vlc, and all other app except Sricam app. No hd stream.

martinetdesneige said...

Somebody know how to configure sricam sp012 on ip viewer lite from Robert Chou?

Bubbah said...

Make: Generic URL
Model: Generic RTSP over UDP
URL: rtsp://ipaddress:554/onvif2
for some reason "/onvif1" was not stable when I tested from outside my lan.
You could also try "onvif" as Make with port 5000 and no authentication. This should give you HD streaming.

See this topic:

deb said...

I have the same problem, I got a SP013 and SP019, in both cameras the ONVIF protocol reports the Main Channel and Sub-Channel at 640x360 (VGA), the only way to achive HD is with SriCam software via P2P, probably is a bug on the firmware and is useless if you want to attach to a NVR, I should throw them in the garbage however I'm using them anyway on my NVR as complement for my good cameras, the quality at 640x360 is bad. I did not find any way to update the firmware, they are not even available.

deb said...

I have the same problem, I got a SP013 and SP019, in both cameras the ONVIF protocol reports the Main Channel and Sub-Channel at 640x360 (VGA), the only way to achive HD is with SriCam software via P2P, probably is a bug on the firmware and is useless if you want to attach to a NVR, I should throw them in the garbage however I'm using them anyway on my NVR as complement for my good cameras, the quality at 640x360 is bad. I did not find any way to update the firmware, they are not even available.

Unknown said...

But how can I use PTZ? Neither generic rtsp over udp, nor Unknown Brand Onvif camera on port 5000 gives me PTZ

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone.

Personnly i think these camera's are utter crap, i have 3 of them and their going back... i have 3 others made by Floureon model number FLOUREON N5810HH-E their outstanding on the image Q...

However software is a bit crap, and the camera's drop their wifi steam a lot... BUT the image is first class see at this link for your selfs.... Love to hear your opinions Please !!!!

The Sricam image is VERY poor whats with ALL the greens turning pink ?

Both Camera set to FULL HD..720

SEE LINK :-!Al_acNCbsVk21hMUprvxuZS2nhNd

Anonymous said...


Hi everyone.

Personnly i think these camera's are utter crap, i have 3 of them and their going back... i have 3 others made by Floureon model number FLOUREON N5810HH-E their outstanding on the image Q...

However software is a bit crap, and the camera's drop their wifi steam a lot... BUT the image is first class see at this link for your selfs.... Love to hear your opinions Please !!!!

The Sricam image is VERY poor whats with ALL the greens turning pink ?

Both Camera set to FULL HD..720

SEE LINK :-!Al_acNCbsVk21hMUprvxuZS2nhNd

Anonymous said...


Whats your thoughts people !!!!! ???????!Al_acNCbsVk21hUdmCBmymOJU0m4

There is NO comparison, other than the Sricam one's ( black one ) never drop their wifi links.....

However the Floureon one's do, BUT !!!! come back on line fast they seem to drop off after around 5min of data transfare then auto back on line ?? But the image is VERY good.... Miles better then the Sricam

Tommo said...

Not only can I not get the HD stream out of it to my NVR, the inbuilt recording is also SD! So you can VIEW HD on their app, but you can't record it other than live on your phone. The internal recording to the micro-sd is not 720, and streaming to a DVR will only get you low res. Totally fckkng uselss cameras as 720.

Ruby217 said...

i use windows phone is there an app use p2p like sricam android app for windpws phone. thank you

Bubbah said...

I don't think there is a solution on Win Phones as they don't seems to support ActiveX, so even this online viewer wouldn't work:

Anonymous said...

Let's face facts these sricam, SP012 are utter shit.... regarding image quality... however they control very well. But what's the point of that if the image is just crap. Bin um there's better ones. I know, I have them.

Smb said...

A very bad camera, without an integrated "web-server", you cant connect with a browser like CHROME with just the local IP, but you need an ONVIF client and even with the ONVIF client you CANT use pan/tilt function. If you use the native app, you NEED to reach internet (NO LAN!!) because you must use the cloud via a chinese external server.... and we know how much can be durable a chinese service >:-(

Anonymous said...

Yep.... totally agree, their utter shit.....

FLOUREON N5810HH-E all the way, has everything brilliant little cameras

Bubbah said...

Just tested with Happytime Onvif Client for PC and Onvifer for Android, where Pan/tilt works.
I set rules on my router to prevent any IP cam, including Sricam to use Upnp outside the LAN. To be really securely reachable from outside, they must be grouped behind an NVR.
I agree the lack of web server is a pain and too many Chinese manufacturers are dropping it. Wanscam is one of the exceptions.

Bubbah said...

You're getting repetitive Home Guard Baits, I think we all start to get your point now.

Andrew said...

I use Windows Phone with 2 of these cameras connected. I use app called "IP Centcom". It works perfect with Windows Phone 8.1, while with Windows Phone 10 for unknown reason only one of cameras work - the other can't be connected to (no idea why).
One point to note is that onvif autodiscovery on these cameras not always works so I had to set them up manually.

Vittorio said...

Bought four of these, and I'm totally disappointed, I'm going to send them back and ask for a refund ASAP. Resolution is 640x360, the setup software from sricam is crap-quality, but the main problem for me is the motion detection that simply sucks. Recording to the SD card is sloppy and barely functional, and the email this camera sends is just ONE frame (one), making it completely useless. My good old FOSCAM IPcam is still working like a charm, and does what is supposed to do: sends an email with 6 pictures when somebody opens the door, so the information can't be tampered in any way, even of someone destroys the cam. Those were utter disappointment: what is the point of a complex, slow and ugly software (without even a proper translation), with obscure access to a cloud in China (?), when I just need something for my own network ? Terrible. Not to mention, ONVIF protocol support is flimsy at best, and you get just 640x360 resolution, so "FULL HD" is a false claim and a plain LIE. I think they sent a different/better product for the review, since it seems to stream in real HD resolution(1280x720). I hate when they try to scam people like that, reviewing a product BUT selling another. In the end, it was an absolute waste of money and time.

Bubbah said...

I cannot ignore that despite all my testing giving HD streaming via rtsp (Synology recorded videos, Happytime, Onvif Device manager, VLC) several people commented that they got only 640x360. Being a very average IP camera, I was surprised to actually get the HD streaming with both Sricam SP009 and SP012 because it's something often lacking in low cost "Cloud cameras", e.g. Eyesight ES series (2 models reviewed in this blog) and the cute but useless "ESCAM Wall-E QF601" that I've just tested (still have to publish the very short review of this one) only give HD view in their dedicated mobile phone app, but not through rtsp.
It's hard to thing that Sricam or the shop would send a special batch to reviewers, mine was so basic it didn't even have IrCut, but I nevertheless wonder it's very much possible that they produced (even) cheaper batches afterwards. Dangerous game...

Vittorio said...

I bought a Wanscam HW0026 (as per your review) for $16 on a clearance sale. I hope this one works as expected: tilt/pan are nice, but not really important for my needs, after all. There was only one left at this price.

Bubbah said...

Hi Vittorio,
Please keep me updated. I suggest that you test the camera with Onvif Device Manager and report back with the resolution indicated for channel 0 in Video streaming section (especially if it's not 1280 x 738) and also the firmware and hardware version from the Sricam app (device information button). It should read "fw v. 2.1".
I'm thinking of adding a warning to both reviews of SP012 and SP009 and maybe a dedicated post about it.

Vittorio said...

There you go, with both ONVIF Manager & VLC. 640x360 - the other stream is half res (320x240).

Vittorio said...

Oh and the funniest of things: it reads "fw v. 2.1". I wonder how is even possible that you get 1280x720, while I get 640x360. Amazing.

Vittorio said...

This one has no ir-cut too, just to make it all more shitty. I paid $26 each. The purpose of those was simply to get 6/10 frames and send them via email when somebody opens some of my office doors, and it was impossible to do. It's the new trend of software/devices/phones: 500000 bells&whistles and "cosmetic features" that nobody uses, but they fail in the basic tasks. Professional-quality devices are the total opposite, 4/6 buttons, minimalist interface, clear documentation, and a solid implementation of the basic 3/4 functions that you really need. For example: a program that when the alarm kicks in, it can be programmed to send an email with "n" pictures, and after that upload a short video (30/60 sec) to some google drive/ftp/something. Or a sensor that checks if somebody cuts the power lines (happened here twice) and triggers an alarm. It's simple and cheap stuff, but they all mindlessly clone the same designs over and over in this ipcam business.

Bubbah said...

Thanks Vittorio, your screenshots leaves no doubt. We somehow have different results from supposedly same product. That's enough evidence that Sricam is fooling customers. I will amend my reviews and make a special post about that.
One last thing to try, unless you actually can return the camera for refund: if you open the camera to see the PCB, you should see the chipset in the middle: mine reads Grain, GM8135S-QC ( Do you have the same chipset on yours?

Vittorio said...

Sorry, can't open the camera since I'm returning all four of them, but I'm pretty sure they're absolutely the same product. It streams in HD resolution but ONLY in their (shitty) app, using a custom protocol (I guess it's encrypted with the AES/3DES cryptoengine contained in the CPU) in a random UDP port above 50000 or something like that. Why they removed it from the ONVIF interface remains a mistery. My guess is that they want to market things in different ways by crippling the software, a standard procedure to lower the value/usability of a product. Would be nice to have something like DD-WRT that runs on those platforms.

Bubbah said...

OK Vittorio, I'll use portion of your screenshot in my next post about S(ri)cam (if you don't mind). You might want to look at the Wanscam HW series, which has a much more complete Onvif implementation and a good'old web interface in addition to their optional "cloud app".
Another possible candidate could be the Digoo BB-M2 (not BB-M1 which does not mention it) which claims to have a HTTP interface and Onvif support. I haven't tested it yet, but I will as soon as I received it.

Vittorio said...

No problem, go ahead. I have already ordered a Wanscam HW0026, just one to test it.

Unknown said...

How can i setup the camera to view the strem from anywhere? currently i can view only local. But i want to view from anywhere of the world. How ?

Unknown said...

I had a working 720p stream on H264... Then , only god knows why, i've updated the firmware via the app.. and not stuck at 360p h264 stream via onvif1.

Any solutions?

Bubbah said...

Try to contact Sricam about this:
Don't expect too much though, I sent them an email and their reply was complete nonsense.
What is your firmware version now?

Unknown said...


bubba said...

I contacted them about this and received this:

Dear customer

Firstly ,Thank you very much for using our camera and service.
please keep watching our product, we will have an update app in the future, it can record for HD.
and if you use onvif software view your camera for full screen, then you can view HD.
if still not, please add my skype: tech.sricam then i can remote for you can check for your camera version.
If there's anything else I can do for you on/regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at any time.
Bests regards,

Bubbah said...

It makes just a bit better than the reply I got a few weeks ago, but then that one was really weird...Tina is making progress...

Date: 19 October 2016 at 01:37
Subject: Re: Re: Actual streaming resolution of SP009 and SP012
To: Bubbah
the was device to onvif version. some people can view HD ,that's good, but if not then we don't have way to fixed it, it was not our software. happy for you.
and we have ap series camera, but it was old, so i suggest you buy sp series camera was great.
have a nice day.

Unknown said...

Hi we purchased SriCam AP Series IP Camera, it is already set-up and efficiently working for few months. But just this November it suddenly went blank and tried everything to make it work again, and well, we successfully did it, but the only problem is that the infrared/the night vision is not working at all. We are all keeping on searching on how to activate it again. Can someone help us to solve this problem? Anticipating for your reply. Thank you very much.

Bama said...

I just purchased a SP012 camera and the default password is not working. I cannot get the camera to connect or anything. I have followed the instruction several times. Any ideas?
I went to the website and anything I click on it routes me to nothing. No help at all. Can anyone help?

Unknown said...

anyone knows how to delete the videos on the SD card using any of the apps? Not easy to reach the camera to remove the card and manage that way. Only other option I know is to format the card when it fills up.

phoe said...

I've got the SP007 and believe me, it's just as bad - the camera crashes or stops streaming without warning multiple times a day. FWIW my firmware is (sent to me by 'tina' at Sricam "support").

It drops connection and needs to be rebooted before my NVR can pick the stream up again. When it works the stream is almost passable, but as others have said there are almost insurmountable issues getting ONVIF working as it should. I called them out directly on it and said they must be using a non compliant method.

The Sricam android app is appalling - it also appears to be a direct port of genetic software used by many cheap and nasty cameras, but variants of the software has different password requirements.

Yoosee was far more stable than the Sricam offshoot, but it currently has severe battery usage issues.

I had 2 more cameras from different "manufacturers", but sadly one appears to use Sricam firmware (call me cynical, but the box was generic, and the firmware was - compare that to the firmware I mention above, and the fact it drops more often than a call girl's underwear).

I also have a Wanscam HW0045 on the way, but I've read less than favorable reviews about those too.

I really need to get back in the habit of researching this sort of purchase first, but a run of burglaries in our area had me spooked :-}

HoratioG said...

New firmware re-instates the SriCam SP012's 720p rtsp streaming. See my post at:

Bubbah said...

Thanks for the heads up!

Nicola said...

confirmed. It also works for outdoor SP014 model.

phoe said...

Can i ask what firmware you're on now please ?

phoe said...

NVM I didn't realise it was for a PTZ, mine's the SP007 (regular bullet camera)

Nicola said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicola said...

WARNING: The firmware causes instability on SP014 model after few hours of working.

do NOT flash it on SP-014!

Unknown said...

Just got one of these today. Live stream is accessed via VLC with the following (obviously replace ip address with what ever yours is) rtsp://admin:888888@ this does give 1280x720. Blue iris will also see this camera if you select rtsp as the camera source and paste the address in. There is no PTZ though, as I've not sussed this out yet in BI.

Unknown said...

Sricam no HD RTSP problem FIXED. I sent an email to their support (support sricam com) and Tina there sent me a firmware which fixed the problem. I now have a 720p RTSP feed which seems to work just fine under Zoneminder. The camera in question is a Sricam sp007, the one with four large IR leds around the lens. If anyone needs the firmware, email me (jtoksa gmail com) or ask their support.

phoe said...

Can you tell us which build number the firmware is please ?

Unknown said...

The build number is 4956. The entire file name is npcupg_gm21.00.00.28(4956)(Release).bin, 2,363,677 bytes.

phoe said...

Hmm that doesn't immediately strike me as the naming convention​ etc of the file I was sent a few months ago, version uboot version 5 CPU version 6 system version 31 (for an SP007)

Unknown said...

I get the following from the "device information" button in the Android app:
Device version: uBoot version: 6 CPU version: 6 System version: 32
This was before the firmware update, I have not checked whether any of these have changed.

phoe said...

Some more delving and I've found the file they sent me, which uses the same naming convention but gives the firmware version shown above...


Are you using the SP012 or the SP007 ?

Thanks :-)

Unknown said...

It's an sp007 (see June 15 6:04 comment).

phoe said...

Thanks, and apologies, I think there are about 5 different models mentioned on this page alone, with different relevant firmware, so I'm just trying to make sure it's easy to identify which is which, as it might help other victims, sorry, customers of Sricam :-}

Unknown said...

Colin This camera has been up and running now for approximately 24 hours and actually seems to work pretty well. I am building a surveillance system at home using a dedicated laptop which I bought used for about €75 (roughly same price in $) and am going to add more cameras soon. This Sricam cost about €36 incl. shipping. I put Ubuntu in the laptop and am running Zoneminder which seems excellent. Also I am used to working with Linux servers at work, MySQL databases and web applications etc, so it is handy for me to be able to administer everything remotely via ssh. I already ordered a second camera which is a different brand (Escam) which is about €40 and will enable me to compare which one works better.

Unknown said...

Greetings from Greece.I recenntly bought sp0012 and i found out that the recorded videos to sd card from the all day recording schedule are in 640 resolution although the live-streaming resolution is set to HD (720). How can i turn the recording video resolution to 720 ? I use the android Sricam application.Thank you.

phoe said...

I'm pretty sure this is a firmware related issue, I was sent a version that records in HD only by Sricam support.

jef said...

there's a new model sp0020 ?does anyone buy this and tried if it has rtsp??

Bubbah said...

Unlike the SP0019, Sricam does not even mention the Onvif "protocl" (which is based on rtsp) for the SP0020, so if there's rtsp in that model, it's an accident and hardly working at all.
There's a FAQ on this seller's page (spelled FQA...) that says:
"Q7, Does this camera support Onvif and support connect to NVR?
A: The camera use its' Own design software, because the camera mainly focus on phone remote monitoring, but it is support Onvif(2.0).But do not recommend ONVIF, use our own APP is more simple and smooth compatibility.Some models with network cable support NVR."

Does not look good!

Unknown said...

Hi deb, can you share the configuration of your sp013 in zoneminder? I get mental to sort this out. Hope you can help me on this

Anonymous said...

avoid sricam at all costs, I was sucked in by the adverts and having fiddled with them on and off, they are utter shite. 0.7 fps and 640 res max on onvif 1. terrible colour and frame drop of 98% 6 feet from router.I have also wansview etc and they are 10 times better.

Unknown said...

Hi, did you find how to delete videos from Sricam APP ?Thanks Luca

toffee8980 said...

can anyone here tell me how to delete video from the sricam software I downloaded to my laptop

Unknown said...

I tried with VLC, it does work only with one change
you stated the address is
I did change ipcam word by the actual ip address, in my case, you can get the address with
Wireless Network Watcher v1.83
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Unknown said...

i brought a sricam sp012. i installed the app on my phone because i want to use it remotely when im at the office. when i try to log in the device was off. is the camera not capable of viewing remotely? thanks.

Marcel said...

I've managed to make my SP012 to capture in HD, tested in both VLC and Synology Surveillance Station. I've followed:

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