Quick fix for light sensor problem - Gadget Victims

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Quick fix for light sensor problem

A common problem seen in Dericam H502W and Cybernova WIP604MW is the LED turning on and off continuously at times. In my initial review, I suggested that isolating the light sensor with a tube of black tape would help. There's now also an updated version of the LED ring that does just that.

The cause of the IP Camera ticking like a metronome is mainly due to the light sensor not being isolated from the light emitted by its nearby IR LED's. The reviewed led ring version (left on the picture) comes with a light sensor wrapped in a black plastic shield and also equipped with a filter. 


All the actions below are done with the camera un-plugged from power of course. The whole operation won't exceed 15 minutes.

The head of the camera can be simply opened by removing the 4 screws located on the bottom.

It might be tempting to just unsnap the black plastic frame from the white cover with risk of cracking it, so prefer the softer way below:

Next, there are 4 more screws to remove in order to detach the lens board and give way to the LED ring. It's important to keep a note of the lens board position and also of the connectors assignments to avoid re-assembling it all upside down later on. Use the picture below as a guide.

Once the glue points are removed, the LED ring will come free. 

Now just fit in the new LED ring. Do not neglect from gluing it otherwise any soft pressure on the LED's will push the whole ring back inside the casing. Pay attention to the lens board position and connectors assignments.

With the new LED ring in place, the clicking episodes should be -if not eliminated- greatly reduced.
You may still experiment some at times but of much shorter duration.

Obtaining an updated LED ring:

The LED ring can be purchased for ~6€ directly on eBay @ Andy.lig

I have contacted both Dericam and Cybernova and their current production already comes with the fix.

My special thanks to Lennard @ ipcam-shop.nl who made me aware of that fix!

Update: see this new post for further resolution information.


Unknown said...

Did it help or not to put black tape around sensor? On topic "CyberNova WIP604MW Firmware" you said it didn't help...but here it seem to work?

Bubbah said...

@David B
I actually got mixed results with both fixes so far. None of them eliminate the problem completely. My camera seems quite sensitive to the TV screen in its field of view and at times I still get series of clicks. I believe that the black tape trick certainly improves things, and the LED ring a bit further thanks to the additional filter on the sensor. However I think they should add some delay in the software resolve the issue completely.

Unknown said...

Alright thanks!
I will wait utill they fix it.

microsat said...

Hi all,
I have been testing with a delay to the switching and it seems to overcome the random switching
I currently have a 10 sec delay, but believe this is to be increased in a future update


Unknown said...

How do you put a delay? Can you explain?

microsat said...

search for
[board/irled] in cs.def.ini


change cs.ini in the same way

I know this is appropriate for the
Maygion model, not sure for the others, so as usual please proceed with caution!


Bubbah said...

there no such entry in cs.def.ini but well the section [board/irled] with the 2 first lines in cs.ini.
I added switchSeconds=60. We'll see how it goes now.
Thanks for the info!

microsat said...

Hi All,
I have some updated software, that now gives the option of turning the OSD Off or ON. The update for the IR 'switchseconds' is also included. Anywhere I can send/upload it?

Also New App has been released 'IPMASTER' which is free!Can be found in the Appstore

This is all support for the 001 model, I can not be sure for the others!


Bubbah said...

Is this the model 001 you mention?
I guess it would be risky to try a firmware from a non HD camera to an HD model, even if both software come from Maygion.

microsat said...

Hi Bubbah
Sorry for confusion 002A is the HD model, Currently I am awaiting new stock this week. My initial stock sold within a few days!
I have tried the new software and App on this model (002A) which is the same as the WIP604MW & Dericam HD models.


Bubbah said...

you could send me the firmware files to bubbah@gadgetvictims.com and I'll find a way to make them available through a post.
Is this the same versioning as the Dericam/Cybernova?
Does it have an completed interface for the PTZ presets by any chance ?
That's the biggest missing feature in the one I have.

Unknown said...

I really need this firmware
Microsat you are great !!!
Bubbah your Blog is superb

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