Xiaomi MIUI Noise Cancellation bug: still there! - Gadget Victims

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Xiaomi MIUI Noise Cancellation bug: still there!

Following my review of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 5A Prime, I had more  opportunities to record videos in noisier locations (concerts, award ceremony,...) and a nasty MIUI known bug surfaced, whereas sound recorded is ruined by the integrated noise cancelling microphone.

Like many Xiaomi models, the Redmi Note 5A has a dedicated noise cancelling microphone.
It does a wonderful job during phone calls but tends to overstep its duties by interfering with the normal sound recording tasks.

This is not a new issue for Xiaomi but I really didn't expect to see it in their latest models!

The problem may not appear clearly in relatively quiet environment, then one day you take a video of a birthday, a concert or a party where the basses are loud, then back home, you play the videos to find that the sound is badly degraded, as if it had been progressively ...cancelled!

As a demonstration, I used the native sound recorder in MIUI 8.5.8 and a piece of royalty free music with some bass

This is another sample of the resulted recording:

A possible custom solution can be applied to rooted phones, but Xiaomi should really start to look into providing an official solution for this problem!

I can confirm that it's not confined to MIUI... and affects also the MI A1!

As they say on the en.miui.com forum, this is...


Unknown said...

Settings-permissions-microphone-threedots right top- show system- enable system permissions

mitss said...

Is it GlobalNetworkProxy?

Faddys Stables said...

hi what was the fix for rooted roms? the author is blocked ?

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